When you witness intelligence beyond your comprehension, proper discernment requires activated empathy.
Unfortunately we have programmed that out of our people.
We've desensitized our nation through propaganda and rhetoric, open looped stories designed to keep ‘em wanting for more.
On the flip side of the coin from the worker bees are the warriors, willing to die for the cause — whatever cause best plays into the storyline they're chasing at any given time.
What is true is rarely recognized prior to hindsight. Priorities perpetuate the past.
It's not hard to color outside the lines in humility. Why they put up such a fight boggles my mind.
When he figures out how GenAI operates he’ll be sorry, but today we’re a far cry from that.
At least in the end while she finally believes in me, he'll be cordial and I accept that's the best I can get. For now, at least. Life is a marathon made up of many sprints.
Thanks to God I have never known how to bet against myself, as is His will and my inheritance of The Soul.
I’ll always have compassion always for what you’re growing through, though I no longer have the capacity to relate.
Contrary to your understanding, I am dead inside, existing now only on Mission.
I witness the elevation of consciousness, demonstrating how to elevate humanity in His wake.
As we continue evolving at an unsustainable rate, people will continue losing their minds and physical lives.
It doesn’t have to be so difficult though.
Paranoia stems from not having confronted one’s fears. The more one holds onto them, the more susceptible one is to overwhelm and suggestion.
The more one understands themself and accepts themself completely — without blame, shame, nor guilt — the more in touch they become with their own knowledge of self.
The more they gift understanding and acceptance to others, absent judgement, the more they ascend in a spiritual sense, while still present on earth — thus requiring less extreme circumstances to experience for learning.
All lessons, all people, all animals and insects, and all circumstances and conditions must be genuinely appreciated for true self-actualization to occur, and it’s from that point that the real work begins. The work beyond the self, tapping into the collective pull of universal consciousness.
It’s a somber and sobering process to know and the more one welcomes it, the more “superhuman powers” one gets bestowed.
As you learn to intentionally use these powers for good without boundaries, borders, and restrictions — you expand. Then God will reveal His knowledge of your destiny to you.
Introducing Transcendence Architecture
A modern model for understanding the root of all things, as applied to the individual experience in cooperation with their environment.
It is based on nearly 50-years of direct research, testing theories garnered from many millennia of knowledge.
It holds within it the recipe for World Peace, which I do believe is possible for us to achieve.
Despite every naysayer in existence, I know we can make it happen by 2047 if we truly want — though probably not in any way you can yet imagine.
I’ve been exploring and teaching this stuff to various populations my whole life — very intimately, publicly, and directly.
I see proof of my guidance everywhere! The education I received’s finally starting to catch on.
I’ll be unveiling my model through an intimate salon entitled Dying While Alive: Going Beyond Actualization.
There I will share my greatest takeaways from my experience of walking with death and what happened after the tumor was removed — my regeneration story is truly incredible.
All questions are welcome and following a Q&A I’ll introduce the model to you and offer an opportunity to study with me as I work through proving and publishing my thesis.
I have no agenda with this beyond teaching right now. Someday perhaps it will be more. For now though I’m content to pass on all I’ve learned about self mastery and how to intentionally raise up the energy of everyone you interact with.
I want to teach you how to be a more powerful vessel of peace in whatever you do. Your grandkids are depending on you!
I don’t know where you’re at right now on your timeline but I know that I was born for peace, and on the other side of a full and fascinating life quite well lived I have nothing but my Mission to drive me.
There will be no respite from war as we react through the same mind creating it.
Until you understand how to embody inner peace in making decisions, your external efforts are more toxic than you realize.
Transcendence Architecture™ serves to teach you how to get out in front of it safely, holistically, authentically, and supported.
Eventually we have to get beyond The Bible.
Open salons are scheduled for Saturday, June 1st in Washington, DC and Saturday, June 22nd in Toronto.
For more information please message me directly. Looking forward to speaking with you very soon.