This morning I wrote a post on my Facebook and in the afternoon felt inspired to record this video.
I feel like the message from the morning is worth sharing here too.
I’d love to hear you’re thoughts on the topic if you’re so inspired.
I just took a walk on the beach and saw more dolphins swimming along the shore than I have in my entire life combined!
It was incredible!
In a world where productivity, progress, and power are pushed narratives it’s important to keep in mind that your lifetime is but a blip in the whole grand scheme of the universe.
What are you paying attention to and how much of your attention are you spending on any given things?
What we think about we bring about and there is evidence everywhere of whatever your heart and soul desire to find.
When you beat the drum of problems God will help you tune into that station and let you dance along with the soundtrack for as long as you enjoy it.
When you detach from the expectations of others and prioritize peace above all else, He provides that station for you to enjoy.
This morning before my walk I sat in the sand and watched the seagulls hunt for their breakfasts — I spoke with strangers about their lives.
It was simple and perfect.
Knowing that I have tasks to take care of I pondered the concepts of patience and enthusiasm against the need to be productive.
What I realized is the same thing I’ve always known and that is that no matter what choices we make, we’re always on the right track.
Destiny is given and there’s no need to figure His plan out.
It’s all about the unfolding from the moment we take our first breath of air right through to our last.
Allow the life you want — the life you’re preprogrammed by your birthright to realize — to catch up with you by giving into inspiration without dismissing responsibility and you will never question your way for long.
You cannot achieve without loss.
You cannot grow without pain.
But as you understand your role opposed to expecting others or God to explain themselves, you become.
Follow me on Facebook for philosophical daily essays and poetry.