I take issue with the concept of sin and that humans are sinners by nature.
We are explorers.
Life is exploration — we are born into flesh from the infinite nature that creates worlds.
How can you mistake that for anything less than divine?
Ego-conscious-focused consumption (egoconsciousness) is by choice — despite design.
God does not intend on war or destruction — those are decisions of man by intent, in the realization of Him/Herself.
You view and judge — He knows.
The war within cannot be brought to peaceful resolution while one is focused on the war without.
Release the reigns attached to your past and behold — a new way reveals itself every time. Judge it not or your will will take you past the softer exits.
When God carries His children home He does so in compassionate love — regardless of how the child performed.
Spread your love unconditionally — He’s working through you. There is no shortage of love from God. He always and in all ways fore gives all.
Do not forget that you’ve already fore gotten — you have received. Do not let greed or need dominate, nor let fear of reprisal make you run.
You are love so must be love — for as you do, you feel.
Man’s explanations of observations to label, exploit, and contain are other ways. They work. You are welcome to go there and take ownership as you wish — there’s no sin in making choices. This is free will. Mind you — free will and free D.O.M. are opposite ends of life’s spectrum.
The words you speak and acts you do tell the world the truth of your character. Be full of care about whose language, cadence, codes, and art you absorb and exude — for God-loving and God-fearing individuals express differently.