Evil is not God’s will or God’s doing. It is what happens in (hu)man when they move away from their Godliness and into their righteousness.
As you wail for your people, casting blame upon others — grouped together perpetrators, they do the same and thus evil continues to thrive.
It takes heartfelt prayers of peace and pardon of one’s enemies that softens the hearts and minds of the witches and warriors.
As one holds onto feelings of anger and vengeance, they create more of it.
It is your work to find a way to replace those feelings of being harmed with feelings of understanding — not condonement.
What’s happening IS NOT OK — it is wrong.
But we cannot be outraged enough to change it. Rage begets rage. War begets war. This is why we are here now. It’s been ever the same.
To find peace externally one must learn to find peace internally. It is through that sense of inner peace we can collectively change the outer experience of knowing peace on earth.
What is happening right now around the world is not foreign or new. It’s simply not the daily experience of those looking onward in fear.
Send love to the ones dealing with their daily struggles and prayers for the strength to overcome their adversity in short time.
Send love to the ones so hurt and hardened by their perception of reality that they seek vengeance and wish ill to any others.
Eventually peace will prevail.